The Infinity reaches back to the molars and the debossed infinity symbol provides extra input when mouthing or fidgeting. This mild chew is a Win, Win!
Chewigem is Canada’s choice for chewelry, fidget toys and other SPD products designed and adapted for people of all ages. We are committed to connecting kids, teens and adults together to build a SPD community where people can support one another and share their experiences. We invite you to join our community and shop our variety of fidget toys and chewelry for kids, for teens and for adults.
Are You A Retailer Interested In Selling Sensory-Friendly Products?
Be part of the social change happening to respect the growing population of people with sensory issues. Businesses recognize the value – both social & bottom line - that inclusion of sensory products like chewelry provide.
We love Chewigems. Not only are they safe to chew, they look lovely and are great to fidget with. The monthly subscription makes them really affordable too!
Britt and Zoe Armstrong Gash
Accepting and being supported in your need to chew will improve your life. Chewing reduces my anxiety and helps me focus through stressful situations and sensory overload. I love Chewigem’s because there is one for everyone and every situation! However, if everyone accepted chewing and sensory needs, the world would be a better place for people like me. I love Chewigem, as a company, because of how much work they do to empower and support Neurodiverse people!”
Malikai August Wade Bass
Chewigem’s are a part of my daily routine now and I never start my day without one. The pendants provide me constant reliable sensory release which avoids built up tension and keeps me calmer. I chomp on one on bus journeys to manage stress levels, and fiddling with them relaxes my nervous system. They also look awesome and theres a colour for every mood!
Sarah Kelly
Chewigem has changed my life. I’m far more confident because I’m not anxious. It’s helped me accept my chewing and helped me understand it’s a totally normal thing. I always worried that chewing products where for kids but the Chewigem products don’t look childish and can be both bright or discreet perfect for day to day life
Luke Murphy
Recommended By Professionals
Occupational Therapists, School Inclusion Specialists, Resource Teachers and many other professionals often recommend Chewigem. Chewigem has been proven to regulate chewing, decrease anxiety and much more!
Fast & Easy Delivery
We understand that you perhaps cannot wait to get your hands on Chewigem! That's why we guarantee same day shipping of your Chewigem package if you order before 12pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)
Deyon Ventures Inc. DBA Chewigem Canada | GST# 810538991
Chewigem Canada is located on Treaty 1 Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene Peoples and the homeland of the Métis Nation. Chewigem respects the Treaties that were made on this territory and is dedicated to working with all in the spirit of reconciliation for as long as the sun shines, the grass grows, and the river flows.
Chewigem Canada est située sur les terres traditionnelles du Traité no. 1 des peuples Anishinaabe, Cri, Oji-Cree, Dakota et Dene, et sur la patrie de la Nation métisse. Nous reconnaissons les traités et les relations qui font notre communauté et nous nous engageons à travailler ensemble dans un esprit de réconciliation aussi longtemps que le soleil brille, que l’herbe pousse et que la rivière coule.